Open Beta

Open Beta

Open Beta

Build and deploy

browser agents.

Build and deploy

browser agents.

Finic is open source infrastructure to help you create AI agents that browse the internet.

Use Cases

Use Cases



AI Agents

Turn LangChain projects into cloud deployed agents that scale on demand.

AI Agents

Turn LangChain projects into cloud deployed agents that scale on demand.

AI Agents

Turn LangChain projects into cloud deployed agents that scale on demand.

Workflow Automation

Deploy and monitor Playwright-based containers to automate repetitive tasks.

Workflow Automation

Deploy and monitor Playwright-based containers to automate repetitive tasks.

Workflow Automation

Deploy and monitor Playwright-based containers to automate repetitive tasks.

RPA Integrations

Read and write to third-party web services even if they don't have a public API.

RPA Integrations

Read and write to third-party web services even if they don't have a public API.

RPA Integrations

Read and write to third-party web services even if they don't have a public API.

Deploy in

Deploy in


Deploy from your CLI. Finic automates containerization, configuration, and deployment to AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Finic is a flexible and non-opinionated. It takes less than 15 minutes to add Finic to an existing Python project.

Deploy from localhost with one command

Automate deployment from a GitHub repo

Open source and


Finic is Apache 2.0 licensed open source software. Build and deploy to your own private cloud, or use our fully managed cloud offering to host your agents.

FConnect Finic to Datadog or Sentry to centralize your logs.

FConnect Finic to Datadog or Sentry to centralize your logs.

No vendor lock-in

Full control over security and compliance posture




Get from idea to production

in record time

Finic handles the schlep of authentication, container management, caching, and more, so you can focus on writing code that benefits your customers.

Secret Management

Securely store and retrieve credentials and other secrets without exposing them in your code.

Playwright Containers

Containers preconfigured with Playwright for fast and simple scraping jobs.

Error Handling

View errors from the Finic dashboard, or push to Datadog to centralize your logs.


Choose from several common retry rates and strategies instead of building the logic yourself.

Coming Soon

Automated Deployment

Connect to GitHub to automatically re-deploy agents after changes are pushed.

Coming Soon

X11 Containers

Containers that render native browsers to automate websites with dynamic Javascript or bot detection.

Coming Soon

Session Impersonation

Record authenticated browser sessions and make them available to your agent via the Finic SDK.

Coming Soon

Self-Healing Selectors

Connect a LLM to suggest code fixes when the target website changes.

Coming Soon

Scheduling & Orchestration

Set schedules for your agents to run on, and define workflows composed of multiple agents.

Coming Soon

Rate Limit Detection

Detect rate limits and automatically set back off strategies to maximize throughput.

Coming Soon

Custom Timeouts

Set timeouts of up to infinite hours for long-running or always-on agents.


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Build and deploy your first agent in minutes.

Open source platform for deploying cloud agents.

©2024 Finic Inc

Build and deploy your first agent in minutes.

Open source platform for deploying cloud agents.

©2024 Finic Inc

Build and deploy your first agent in minutes.

Open source platform for deploying cloud agents.

©2024 Finic Inc